Introducing Risk Aware - an LGMS Podcast


Introducing Risk Aware. Hosted by our Regional Risk Coordinators, each episode explores how councils can assess, reduce and respond to the various challenges they encounter. 
Risk Aware is about sharing ideas and initiatives other councils are pursuing and the benefits they’ve achieved along the way.
How do you create a practical and value-adding enterprise risk management framework? And how do you embed it, and keep it embedded, in your culture? If you are interested in learning more about how to keep the momentum going, this podcast is for you.
The first episode features Justin Kronk from Barcoo Shire Council and is now available in the LGMS Member Centre. Barcoo Shire Council was nominated for an LGMS Excellence Award last year for developing a tool to best prioritise capital projects with available resources. Find out how the tool is used at Council, and how it has evolved since its inception.

Listen to the new podcast now

Tune in to Risk Aware to learn innovative approaches, success stories, and actionable guidance that will enhance the resilience of your council. 

Accessing the podcast
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