LGMS - Home page
No one knows Queensland councils risks like Queensland councils
For more than 25 years, LGMS schemes have been the vehicle that has enabled Queensland local government to exercise control over and manage their liability, workers’ compensation and asset-based risk exposures.
Find out moreReturns to members
In 2023, $4.45million in scheme surpluses will be distributed to LGM scheme members. This is helps directly offset the $5.2 million in LGAQ membership fees payable in 2022-2023.
The LGMS Difference
Be part of a facility that is owned, controlled and managed by local government.
MoreMembers first
Our members are the heart of everything we do. We are owned by and exist solely to benefit our members.
Specialist risks of local government
We protect and manage the specialist liability, asset and workers’ compensation risks of local government.
Collaborative & collective
Through collaboration and our collective approach, we will bring the best of the LGMS schemes to our members and assist them to work in partnership with one another.
Results based
We will be judged by our performance and strive to be a significant contributor to the performance of Queensland local government.
Accountability and transparency
LGAQ’s trusteeship and Board and Management Committee of current elected members, senior representatives of local government and legal and industry specialists, our members have real involvement and a say in how we operate.
Our schemes
Risk specialists | Unrivalled value | Owned by members
LGMS exists for the sole purpose of enabling Queensland local government to proactively manage its liability, asset and workers compensation exposures whilst simultaneously ensuring stability and sustainability of cost over the long term.
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Here's what LGMS members had to say
Linda Horton, Insurance Claims Officer, Townsville City Council
“The fact that we are in a regional city far from the capital made no difference to service levels. The service Townsville City Council receives from LGMS is as good as that provided to capital city organisations. That included regular visits, follow-up calls and advice.
Last year, they did an audit on 15 of our properties and provided a range of recommendations to minimise and mitigate risks. This is a regular feature of their service to us, which we love.”
Michael Courtney, Principal Health Safety and Wellbeing, Toowoomba Regional Council
"We meet on a six-monthly basis with the LGW management team which helps to maintain a good relationship. Our one-on-one dealings are a service stand out. We can call them to discuss a claim and they will listen and are not rigid like some other providers.
They alert us to what is happening in the local government workplace health and safety space by regularly catching up with our safety personnel. We work together to improve processes and minimise risk."
Oliver Pring, General Manager Council Sustainability, Scenic Rim Regional Council
"A professional organisation with customer service a high priority, knowledgeable staff and are truly interested in understanding the dynamics of Council. A proactive approach when it comes to insurance matters that also comes with a good serve of friendliness and super efficient claims service."
LGMS is more than just insurance.
LGMS exists to support and empower Queensland Councils to understand and respond to the evolving insurance landscape for the benefit of their Councils and communities.
Manage risk
Primary focus on assisting council members with reducing their risk exposures
Best claims practice
Ensuring savings on claims cost which ultimately reduces the cost of cover / membership contributions
Sustainable cost
Through risk management there are less claims – with claims management the claims cost is reduced – resulting in overall cost savings and assists councils to budget
New initiatives
Always looking for new ways to best assist councils – for example Risk Management Excellence Awards (offers $20K of risk services) and the WHS Conference with accredited training
The right cover
Assisting councils with tailored covers specific to local government to mitigate risks